Call our experts on 01179 777681


Our Cornerstone range of dry mixed mortars will only contain NHL from St Astier, Europe’s most respected producer of natural hydraulic limes. We keep both Drymix and Promix in house, with all others available to order.

Cornerstone Drymix:
Multi-purpose lime mortar and render for pointing, rendering and general building work.

The Cornerstone Drymix range has been specially formulated to give improved workability, reduced risk of shrinkage and reduced water requirements.

Drymix is batch blended for consistency, naturally coloured with zero pigment addition and is available in a huge range of sands, mix ratios and binder strengths to give you the optimum colour, finish and mortar properties for the job.

All Drymix is stocked in 25kg colour coded bags for ease of use and identification on site.

Cornerstone Promix:
Through the controlled addition of work aids, Promix is formulated to give improved workability, reduced risk of shrinkage & lime bleed, reduced risk of mortar drying too quickly and an improved cure.

All Promix is stocked in 25kg colour coded bags for ease of use and identification on site.


Also available to order:

Newbuild Render:
Multi-purpose lime-cement blend for attractive, flexible renders on contemporary construction.

Marine Mix:
Ideal for sea walls, canals and embankments, plus water bearing masonry.

Heritage Grout:

For void filling and consolidation in composite masonry.

Wood lath:
Basecoat for Lath wall & ceiling construction.

Tanking Mix:
For waterproofing and preventing water ingress. Tanking walls below the water table, and lower base coarse masonry.

Our Weighbridge

Weighbridges are at the heart of many construction projects. We have a weighbridge specifically for our customers, with accuracy from 10kg to 30 tonnes. This service is not just available for customers buying our products – for a £10 charge you can have your vehicle weighed at any time.

  1. The loading plate

    Slowly position your vehicle centrally on the loading plate and the operator will give you a thumbs up and instruction on where to go when weighing is complete.

  2. Fill her up

    Following the operator’s instructions, drive over to have your vehicle loaded and wait until completion before driving back to the weighbridge.

  3. Tickets please!

    Once back on the weighbridge, exit your vehicle and step up to the window. Tell the operator what you’re purchasing and they will print you out a ticket and give any further instructions – finally taking payment (if required).

  4. Retreat!

    Once finished, simply return to your vehicle and you’re ready to start building…
